Fortinet maakt Lizzie Cohen-Laloum verantwoordelijk voor Carrier / MSSP- MSSP Business Practice

Fortinet® (NASDAQ: FTNT), wereldwijd leider in uitgebreide, geautomatiseerde en geïntegreerde oplossingen voor cyberbeveiliging, benoemt Lizzie Cohen-Laloum tot hoofd Carrier / MSSP - MSSP Business Practice voor de EMEA-regio, waar zij rapporteert aan Yann Pradelle, Vice President Continental Europe. Daarnaast is ze ook aangesteld als regionale vice-president voor Zuid-Europa. Als ervaren senior executive met een bewezen staat van dienst op het gebied van sales en bedrijfsontwikkeling, zal Lizzie haar krachten bundelen met het regionale managementteam om de groei en uitbreiding van het marktaandeel van Fortinet in de regio te stimuleren. Lizzie is afkomstig van het bedrijf F5, waar ze 15 jaar werkte en verschillende leidinggevende functies bekleedde, zoals Sales Director voor Zuid-Europa en later senior vice-president voor EMEA. Voorafgaand aan F5 werkte Lizzie 10 jaar als International Sales Director bij Nortel Networks.

Het volledige, Engelstalige persbericht vindt u hieronder.



Fortinet Appoints New Regional Vice President in EMEA Region

Seasoned sales executive Lizzie Cohen-Laloum joins regional management team to drive next phase of growth

Sunnyvale, Calif., February 19, 2018  - Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT), a global leader in broad, integrated and automated cybersecurity, today announced the appointment of Lizzie Cohen-Laloum to the position of regional vice president for Southern Europe and head of the Carrier/MSSP Business Practice for the EMEA region, reporting into Yann Pradelle, Vice President Continental Europe. As an experienced senior executive with a proven track record in sales and business development, Lizzie will join forces with the regional management team to spearhead Fortinet’s growth and market share expansion across the region.

“I’m delighted to have Lizzie on board. Her expertise in enterprise and telco carriers market segments as well as her strong industry knowledge will be key assets to help us  strengthen Fortinet’s leadership position throughout EMEA and be seen as security advisor. I am confident Lizzie will help us achieve the growth targets we have set ourselves for 2018 and beyond”, commented Yann Pradelle.

Lizzie joins Fortinet from F5, where she spent 15 years and held a series of sales leadership roles, initially as Sales Director for Southern Europe and later senior vice president of sales for EMEA. Prior to F5, Lizzie worked at Nortel Networks for 10 years, as the International Sales Director, where she focused on integrating the company’s regionally developed enterprise telecommunication products into Nortel’s global channel sales engagement.

Commenting on her appointment Lizzie explained, “I’m very excited to be joining Fortinet, which I consider to be one of the most innovative global network security vendors on the market. My role is to build on this success to further increase our market share through enterprise focus and pursue the growth in the Carrier/MSSP segment by developing partnership with key players in that field. I’m convinced that Fortinet is on a strong success path and I’m looking forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead.”


About Fortinet
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) secures the largest enterprise, service provider, and government organizations around the world. Fortinet empowers its customers with intelligent, seamless protection across the expanding attack surface and the power to take on ever-increasing performance requirements of the borderless network - today and into the future. Only the Fortinet Security Fabric architecture can deliver security features without compromise to address the most critical security challenges, whether in networked, application, cloud or mobile environments. Fortinet ranks #1 in the most security appliances shipped worldwide and more than 330,000 customers trust Fortinet to protect their businesses. Learn more at, the Fortinet Blog, orFortiGuard Labs.

Ymke Deprez

PR Consultant, Evoke

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