Factry launches new connector for improved user experience in Seeq’s data analytics software

Ghent, 13 February 2024 - Ghent-based industrial software scale-up Factry released a new Factry Historian connector compatible with Seeq's analysis software. It is designed to improve the user experience in Seeq's complex data analysis processes.
More and more companies are turning to historian software to gather in-depth insights from their production processes. This software gathers data at different times and places in the production process, and that information helps optimize processes. Factry Historian comes out-of-the-box with Grafana, an excellent tool for industrial data analysis and visualization. However, some processes require more detailed process analysis. For this, the industry often relies on Seeq, an advanced software solution for analyzing production data. Factry has now developed a native Seeq connector for Factry Historian.
One of the first users of the Seeq connector is Allnex, an international producer of industrial coating resins and additives for coatings and inks.
"We are happy that Factry understood our need for better production data analysis," says Diego Gravina, Business Application Analyst and IT coordinator at Allnex. “The new connector is a great improvement and makes our data visualization clear and user-friendly. Our branches in Brazil, Italy and the United States are already very pleased with the results."

Instantly accessible
The integration of the Seeq connector provides some concrete practical advantages.
First, there is the integration of units of measurement from the Seeq user interface. The Seeq connector ensures that measurement units are correctly available. The results are displayed in the Seeq interface and are readily accessible for calculations and conversions.
A second feature is the ability to use Factry Historian's hierarchic asset structure within Seeq, which is an advantage compared to flat data structures available in off-the-shelf time-series databases. Using the connector, users can browse this hierarchy in Seeq, providing an organized approach when navigating through numerous data points.
Analyze production events
For users of Factry Historian Advanced, the integration of the Event Module brings additional functionality to the Seeq interface. Events, represented as capsules in Seeq, are time-based events stored in Factry Historian's underlying relational database. The connector brings these events to Seeq and provides a practical way to detect and analyze production events such as batches, recipes and average temperatures.
“We keep our finger on the pulse of what's going on in the industry and commit to being as compatible as possible with relevant technology partners. The integration with Seeq is the latest example of this," concludes Jeroen Coussement, CEO and founder of Factry.
About Factry
Factry empowers process manufacturers with open software to monitor, analyse, and optimise operations. With cutting-edge solutions, Factry makes actionable data insights accessible for any role, from plant operator to CFO. With a strong focus on usability, Factry’s commitment is to bring companies closer to their process data, so they can learn from it, make data-driven decisions, and continuously improve the quality of products and processes. Factry offers manufacturers not just a technology solution but a team dedicated to their plant’s future. Together, they establish a culture of continuous innovation – crucial for gaining a competitive edge in Industry 4.0.
Contact person: Frederik Van Leeckwyck - frederik.vanleeckwyck@factry.io
About Seeq
Seeq is an advanced analytics solution for process manufacturing data. With Seeq, you and your team can work together to analyze data and publish insights from process historians. By leveraging recent innovations in big data and machine learning technologies, Seeq makes any type of analytics faster. The result is shorter times between investigation, decision making, and impact, plus predictive analytics to address issues before they occur. And with Seeq’s publishing features, employees across the organization get access to the insights they need to deliver continuous improvements in quality, yield, and asset availability metrics.
Contact person: Amanda Maxwell - amanda.maxwell@seeq.com