CRANIUM becomes market leader in the Benelux with the opening of an office in Luxembourg

Data protection specialist emphasizes local roots with fourth branch office

Eischen 20/04/2021 - CRANIUM, the privacy, security and data management specialist opens a new office in Luxembourg. This is the fourth office of the consultancy firm next to the headquarters in Belgium and offices in the Netherlands and the United States. This makes CRANIUM the largest player in the Benelux in the field of data protection. Both Luxembourg clients and multinationals with an office in the Grand Duchy can now benefit from CRANIUM's expertise with a Luxembourg touch.

By expanding further into Luxembourg, CRANIUM establishes itself in the Benelux as the market leader in the field of privacy, security and data management. The company focuses on various target groups, including financial institutions, the life sciences and pharmaceutical industry, the healthcare sector, research and technology companies, but also the public sector, retail and telecommunications. CRANIUM grew to a team of 69 lawyers and specialized IT profiles since its inception in 2016. Together they have already worked on over 1000 projects for 596 international clients from the offices in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United States.

In Luxembourg, CRANIUM will mainly focus on the financial sector, healthcare and the pharmaceutical and life sciences industry, for which it has already become a partner of choice in Belgium. Furthermore as a country with many international companies, Luxembourg fits perfectly with the international character of the data protection specialist.

Local anchoring
By opening the office in EIschen, the knowledge and expertise that were already present within the company will become even more accessible for Luxembourg customers and multinationals with a Luxembourg office. "The local anchoring is very important to us," says Tom Cooreman, who will lead the Luxembourg office and currently CRANIUM’s director of Privacy and Law. "We realize how crucial this proximity is to our clients. In addition, the way our new office will operate will have a Luxembourg accent that fits perfectly with the business culture of the Grand Duchy. We know from experience how things work there and we can effortlessly combine this way of working with our proven qualitative CRANIUM approach. To achieve this, we will be recruiting new employees in Luxembourg very quickly. We hope to grow to an office of thirty employees within three years."

Efficient and easy integration for international clients
Alex Van Cauwenbergh, CEO of the CRANIUM Group, says the new office also offers benefits to existing international clients. "They will be able to host their Luxembourg branch offices with us. This way, they will continue benefiting from the same level of support as their Dutch and Belgian branches. This is also a blessing for companies, as it makes the integration of our services simple and efficient. In this way, we want to position ourselves as the best GDPR representative for international clients in the European market."

In the Eischen office, right on the Belgian-Luxembourg border, Tom Cooreman is assisted by three sales managers, each specializing in the financial, healthcare and technology sectors. All four are French-speaking and have already gained experience in Luxembourg, notably with several large financial institutions. In addition, they will be able to rely on the existing team of CRANIUM consultants and will initially focus on DPO, DPO as a service, staffing, privacy and digital law (IP/IT), compliance and all ISO 27K processes.

Alex Van Cauwenbergh

Alex Van Cauwenbergh

Tom Cooreman

Tom Cooreman

Director Privacy en Law, CRANIUM


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