Belgian AI specialist KWARTS and Deloitte join forces

Modular customer data platform A-Inside ready for international scale-up

Brussels/Hasselt, September 7, 2022 - AI specialist KWARTS and Deloitte have entered a partnership. The combination of KWARTS’ customer data platform A-Inside with Deloitte’s business transformation experience enables Life Sciences Companies to leverage the full potential of their data to reach their marketing and sales objectives.

Physicians under pressure
Ruben De Moor, CCO at KWARTS explains the motivation behind the partnership: “A recent survey by consultancy firm Across Health showed that the average physician has over 70 interactions with life sciences companies on a monthly basis, covering a wide range of topics through different communication channels. Due to the lacking relevance of most interactions, many physicians are less and less likely to open the door of their practice to meet representatives, pick up the phone and look at emails, even though this could mean they miss out on key information, education or innovation. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) value their time, and do not want to be distracted from their core task of administering health care to patients, as the post-COVID backlogs continue to grow.”

Triple win
Kathleen Peeters, partner at Deloitte, continues: “This partnership offers countless opportunities for the life sciences industry. Without the right data and technologies, it is impossible to approach each healthcare professional in a personalized manner for maximum engagement. With A-Inside, medical and commercial field force teams and marketers can now map behavioral patterns, information needs and preferences of individual healthcare professionals, by leveraging various data sources in the IT-systems of the life sciences company. By actioning this information in their go-to-market approaches, companies can communicate more effectively with healthcare professionals, increase their ROI, increase the satisfaction of healthcare professionals, and last but not least, grow the likelihood that each patient will get the optimal treatment, ultimately benefiting provider, purchaser and patient. Triple win!”

Partners in practice
Bart Van Proeyen, CEO of KWARTS clarifies how this partnership benefits the industry. “Companies invest significant resources in their necessary field forces, and they are not getting the full value out of these investments, because field teams are distracted by a high administrative burden and marketers have a hard time determining which messages and communication channels resonate with their audience. Our intuitive interface provides insights that are easy to interpret and provide a clear modus operandi. The Deloitte team makes sure that A-Inside is fully integrated with their IT infrastructure and additionally trains and supports field forces with the required change management.

Kathleen Peeters adds: “Challenges with change management and cross-functional collaboration are the most commonly cited reasons these transformations don’t yield the expected results. We guide companies through the process, from the exploration of the topic all the way to the launch of the solution, and the adoption by the teams. We preach evolution, and not revolution.

What’s next?
Both partners have started to work on a series of initiatives, amongst which an inspirational series of webinars where relevant market trends and concrete use cases in marketing and sales will be covered. The first session will be organized on Thursday September 8th.

More information can be found on the LinkedIn accounts of both Deloitte and KWARTS.

The Deloitte perspective
To navigate the future with confidence, Life Sciences companies need to make and act upon the right choices: clear, timely and inspirational choices that deliver growth in a dynamic, disrupted world. In order to support such decision making, Deloitte leverages the successful collaboration between Deloitte Monitor, strategy practitioners supporting leadership in resolving their most critical decisions, drive value, and achieve transformational success, and Deloitte Digital, using emergent technology to create innovative ventures, digital platforms, and more meaningful experiences. Overall combined with deep industry insights.

Entering a partnership with KWARTS will support in addressing the challenges Life Sciences companies are facing in their digital transformation, in finding resolution within the area of Data and Artificial intelligence (AI). Poised to transform the way patient, healthcare professional and stakeholder engagement is taking place, the main AI building block will always be Data. The collaboration of Deloitte and KWARTS will enable companies in getting access to the right data, and managing that data in a coordinated and streamlined way. Leveraging Deloitte proven methodologies and tactics in transforming siloed organizational structures, will ultimately allow companies to utilize the gained data insights within enterprise-wide decision making. AI in general isn’t an end in itself but will enable the capabilities essential for surviving the challenges of the future.

KWARTS, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Hasselt (Belgium), is a technology company with a presence in Stockholm (Sweden), Boston and New York (USA). After being in business for over five years, the company has developed A-Inside, the leading customer data platform for the Life Sciences industry, on demand of its clients and in close collaboration with these clients, academic experts and industry professionals. Traction across the globe clarifies that there is a need for scalable technical solutions to support field forces in their quest to improve relevance of interactions with healthcare professionals. KWARTS is supported by Volta Ventures, EIT Health, BlueHealth Innovation Fund and imec.istart. It continues to innovate its product roadmap in close collaboration with Hasselt University (Belgium). It appreciates there is more to scalability than just technology. Change needs to be anchored in the organization, hence why KWARTS is actively looking for more partners globally to speed up its international acceleration, by covering both the technical and the organizational aspects of customer engagement transformation.

About Deloitte in Belgium
A leading audit and consulting practice in Belgium, Deloitte offers value added services in audit, accounting, tax and legal, consulting, financial advisory services, and risk advisory services.

In Belgium, Deloitte has more than 5,100 employees in 11 locations across the country, serving national and international companies, from small and middle-sized enterprises, to public sector and non-profit organizations. The turnover reached 635 million euros in the financial year 2021.

Deloitte Belgium BV is the Belgian affiliate of Deloitte NSE LLP, a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Deloitte is focused on client service through a global strategy executed locally in more than 150 countries. With access to the deep intellectual capital in the region of 345,000 people worldwide, our member firms (including their affiliates) deliver services in various professional areas covering audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services. Our member firms serve over one-half of the world’s largest companies, as well as large national enterprises, public institutions, and successful, fast-growing global companies. In 2021, DTTL's turnover reached over $50.2 billion.

Deloitte refers to a Deloitte member firm, one or more of its related entities, or Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”). DTTL and each its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see for a detailed description of DTTL and its member firms.

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